Appearance has two levels, material and immaterial. At material level, appearance of someone / something is composition of three factors - content, configuration, & colour. The content or matter is important basis of anything. The very existence of someone/something is essence or content, e.g., the fundamental life-sustaining human matter is cell. The configuration or structure of someone/something is outcome of horizontal-vertical summation of content elements. A configuration gives efficient, effective, and primary shape to content elements. A exact configuration of content elements gives foundational power and structural harmony to a someone or a thing. The colour or lighting is primary highlight of persons or things. A colour project is outcome of three basic colours - red, blue, and yellow (or green). We may get countless new and novel colours by mixing the basic colours. In increasing to basic colours, there are two neutral colours, white & black. White and Black are key colours. They are used for shading and tinting. Shading is used to make something darker by adding black while tinting is used to make something lighter by adding white. People's liking / disliking of definite colours is based on multiple features such as education, culture, environment, and geography. At immaterial or human level, appearance is manifestation of intentions, emotions, and thoughts of an individual. A definite human appearance reflects a unique character-sketch of an individual.
Message Transmission through Appearance
[The Room And The Outer Part]

An appearance must send a message to viewers. Viewers receive message, rightly or wrongly, and impressed, nothing else but or negatively, by appearance of someone/something. Human appearance is used to transmit/assess inward-outward features of an individual. At inward level, human appearance is manifestation of definite thought-pattern or mindset and definite work-pattern or behavior. On outward front, an appearance manifests socio-economic status of an personel and compatibility with temporal standards. An effective interactive appearance must effect some definite collective standards and a few definite time-space frameworks. For example, it is said, eat tasty & wear trendy. A trendy dressing indicates compatibility of personel with prevalent collective norms & temporal standards. An outdated dressing makes someone ridiculous. It is an established collective rule of every culture/nation that a someone should adopt a definite appearance to reflect inner reality and to match outer norms. An effective leader cannot ignore the emotional attachment of population towards appearance phenomenon, so that, he/she must send a definite message to viewers through definite appearance otherwise leadership profile would be incomplete or less effective.
Communication & Body Language
Life is interactive phenomenon. Communication is confident aspect of interactive life, both personel as well as collective. Communication has two parts - verbal and non-verbal. The major or decisive part of any Communication is non-verbal. A definite appearance is non-verbal communication. A great body of investigate on effective Communication provides ample proof that peoples are affected dominantly through face-expressions, postures, dresses, and interactive environ during some Communication process; moreover, the significance of definite words is far less than the tone & tune of words. during communication, body-language is more effective than verbal language.
Body language is non-verbal part of communication. Corporal appearance of a someone gives invisibly multiple messages to others. Moreover, the effect of verbal Communication depends dominantly on body language. A someone is understood or interpreted predominantly agreeing to his/her body language. An aggressive body language will create different effects than defensive body language during some discussion. An aggressive body language is filled with dare gazing eyes, harsh facial expressions, red face coloring, snarling nose, punching hands, and leaning away posture. On the other hand a defensive body language indicates non-gazing eyes, submissive facial expressions, pale coloring, motionless hands, and vaporing body posture. Similarly, a someone adopts, involuntarily, attentive-bored body languages, happy-sad body languages, dominant-submissive body languages, fearful-courageous body languages, jealous-cordial body languages, and cooperative-competitive body languages. It is worth mentioning that adoption and interpretation of body languages vary from culture to culture and region to region. It is vey important to train subconscious about basics of body languages for better involuntary movement during some interaction and for exact assessment of interpretation of someone else' body languages. through aware training, a someone can adopt standard body language patterns during interaction to convey inner messages. Practically, right messaging is inherent through adoption of widely standard etiquettes, manners, and customs that make our body language favorable for multiple occasions/multiple persons.
Non-Verbal Communication & Leadership Styles
Management is Communication among multiple stakeholders such as entrepreneurs, investors, customers, and government functionaries. during diverse enterprise interactions a someone wants to send a definite message to others. A general appearance of an individual, leader or follower, is transmitting medium of inner intentions or programs. For example, different entrepreneurs appear differently or an entrepreneur may appear differently on confident occasions. The non-verbal Communication or general appearance of a leader depends dominantly on leadership styles. The leadership styles can be grouped into four categories. An entrepreneur is either missionary or visionary or dynamic or supportive. A missionary leader is highly devotional towards leadership objectives, so that he/she tries to project him/her as a devotional personality. A visionary leader appears differently, a visionary adopts generally a classical appearance due to knowledge-driven visions. A dynamic leader is highly performance-oriented towards leadership objectives, so that he/she is proactively accommodative towards existing/upcoming ground realities of society towards general appearance, normally; a dynamic leader adopts trend-setting appearance. A supportive leader wants to create kindly environment for all and sundry. The very appearance of a supportive leader is compatible with inner or actual demands of people. It is worth mentioning that wrong messaging via inappropriate appearance extracts extra power of a leader for settling the wrong Communication through unsuitable appearance.
Success - Role of Appearance & Projection
It is said that success is not pursed rather it is attracted. population are attracted towards things/persons that supply explication to their needs or problems. The very basis of attraction is, firstly, to manufacture beneficial items/services for others, to feel inner voices of population accurately, to fix their troubles responsibly. Secondly, a definite interactive environment creates attraction, so that, an standard temporal-spatial appearance of someone/something is decisive for attraction. Thirdly, a dynamic angle of inner features of someone/something creates attraction. An effective angle is equally primary for individuals and institutions. For example, an menagerial training centre can attract students through launching substantive training programs, state-of-the-art training methods, effective trainer, and better studying environment. The proximity of these contents cover basic stuff of a training centre but an standard angle is confident to covert it into a victorious venture. angle synchronizes inner features with external demand. The exertion leads towards success. The inner-outer synchronization phenomenon works practically everywhere. For example, a pro is victorious if he is dynamically linked with executive, inventor is famed in a society through innovator, researcher is standard by stakeholders trough recognized institutions, leader is popularized through references or success stories, and so on and so forth.
Attractive power & Attraction-Repulsion Phenomenon
The whole cosmic economy is energy-based project of creation. The very basis of universe is Divine Energy. Divine power creates inviting power profiles at multiple levels. The creative power gives sustenance to every object, both animate and inanimate. power may adopt countless shapes or attributes. At human level, it becomes inviting energy. inviting power is vital aspect of human personality. It shapes one's mindset, behavior, and effectiveness, so that population are attracted or repulsed. In other words, population are attracted or repulsed towards each other or things due to proximity of indiscernible attractive-repulsive power continuously flowing everywhere. The power provides base to attraction-repulsion phenomenon. The attraction-repulsion phenomenon is daily touch of interactive life. For example, we are attracted towards power and repulse weakness, we like financial plentifulness and avoid poverty, and we are fond of good enterprise and avoid bad company, and so on and so forth. The attraction-repulsion phenomenon works through Corporal features, mindset configurations, and spiritual urges, so that the attraction or repulsion towards someone/something can be managed through setting-resetting of inner-outer features of persons or things. In other words, the attraction-repulsion towards someone/something can be managed through effective angle of reality.
Attractive power & Interactive Zones
Human inviting power has spatial influences, as well. Consequently, human interactions are affected by spatial setting of persons/things. The situation indicates proximity of indiscernible interpersonal spaces. Every personel feels some personal spaces or interpersonal spaces of interactions. A great body of investigate revealed that persons have definite interactive zones. Analytically, there are four interactive zones - Intimate, Personal, Social, andPublic. The intimate zone is reserved for spouse, children, close family members, and fast friends. Intimate zone is the space within arm length. We are comfortable if close linkages are within intimate range on the other hand we are uneasy towards some persons if they are interacting with us within intimate zone. Second, the personal zone begins about an arm distance away and ending about four feet away. It is consciously reserved for relatives, friends, and colleagues. An office or lounge setting indicates proximity of personal zone. Third, the collective zone is the area that ranges from four to six feet away from us. The collective zone is reserved for strangers and new acquaintances. The meeting room or drawing room setting is based on idea of collective zone. Fourth, the collective zone starts from six feet away. The area is used for seminars, collective speeches, and conference groups. The area is reserved for general audience, both acquainted and non-acquainted. The transference power, an indiscernible inviting power of leaders, work differently at different interactive spatial zones. An effective leader adopts a proactive approach towards phenomena of interactive zones and appears accordingly to actualize leadership objectives or to project leadership profile.
Significance of Body Posture
Personality Traits play an important role during interactive life. There are few character traits of an personel that plays a decisive role during interactive life but they are difficult to convey verbally or practically. Moreover, these character traits set interactive patterns for time to come interactions. The important pattern setting personality traits are firmness, flexibility, and agility. A quick explication to this limitation is adoption of some standard postures. Posture indicates our inner firmness or rigidity, flexibility or volatility, and laxity or agility. Secondly, some postures make our Corporal aspect normal/active for working. For example, doctors advise that during sitting/standing/walking, spine should be in an practically right line from our head to the lower part of back, moreover, it is recommend that chin/shoulders should be parallel to the floor (or earth) and head to be aligned with the roof (or sky). The right sitting/standing/walking heighten work efficiency and avoids confident body pains.
Projection - A Strategy towards effective Leadership
Leader is personification of institutional culture. Moreover, he/she is image someone of multiple stakeholders of an assosication and gives chronic identification to stakeholders. A strategic/tactical approach of appearance is primary to make exact angle of leadership profile. A wrong angle of leadership would be detrimental for institutional increase and development. A detach body or media cell is confident for exact angle of leadership. A wrong image may eat costly time for fixing wrong messages due to ugly projection. It is now corporate standard globally to appoint some persons for psychological-based and aesthetic-driven angle of leadership, institution, and products/services. Consequently, marketing has become confident aspect of enterprise life. At leadership level, the ultimate purpose of angle is to portray a definite leadership style. At institutional level, the final motive of angle is to manifest organizational culture. At product/service level, a angle gives brand name to a stock or a service.
An effective angle process promotes simultaneously products/services, institutions, and persons. It adopts multiple marketing techniques, launches assorted advertisement campaigns, and initiates multiple collective association interactions. The purpose of marketing is to manufacture matching in the middle of products or services and customer needs. The scope of advertisement campaign is to propagate informative-persuasive messages for customers. A dynamic collective association exertion builds mutually beneficial or win-win relations with customers. The best situation is to manufacture marketing, advertisement, and Pr in a reinforcing manner for effective angle of product/service, leadership, and institution.
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